Only Post Once
Every Day


Phone with OnePut

Features of OnePut

Phone with OnePut


Phone with OnePut


Phone with OnePut

OneChat (coming soon)


OnePost introduces a refreshing concept in the world of social media.

Here, you are limited to sharing just one post per day. This limitation encourages users to focus on creating high-quality and meaningful content.

Unlike platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where quantity often overshadows quality, OnePost ensures that every post you share carries significance and leaves a lasting impression.



OneContest is your gateway to a world of creative challenges.

Each month, a new exciting topic is presented, and users are invited to post content that aligns with the theme.

What sets OneContest apart is the engagement of the community. Users can vote for their favorite submissions, fostering a sense of togetherness and healthy competition.

At the end of each month, the winning entry is unveiled, adding an element of excitement and recognition for our users' creativity.




OneChat is a remarkable feature, isn't it? We're limited to one message a day, which transforms our daily communication into carefully crafted letters.

It encourages us to make every word count, creating profound conversations.

Indeed, my friend.

OneChat's simplicity enhances the value of our interactions. Each word carries intention, making our daily exchanges memorable and meaningful.

It's a unique and valuable experience in today's digital world.

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